The New Mighty Gloves #MaxCondoms

Recently the Deputy president Cyril Ramamphosa invited members of parliament to help themselves to the new {max} government condoms which are designed for maximum pleasure and to decrease the rate of HIV infections and Surprisingly they make no noise during sexual intercourse. While he was answering to the National Assembly he proudly held up the condoms., to which this same some what very embarrassing for most members of parliament Mr Shivambu of the Eff said. This came as a surprise because never in in the history of the South African parliament and mos parliaments in the world that condoms were displayed in the air. 

One would agree that this was meant to be a PR stunt of some sort as to campaign for a condom on national TV.

It was mentioned that the condoms aimed at decreasing the rate of HIV in our country, Ramphosa said, as members of parliament giggled at the description of the Mighty condoms. Users complained that the choice condoms made a lot of noise during sex.

Ramaphosa showing off condoms. Source :Daily Maverik online

If we then say South Africa is guided by christian principles, why then do we preach prevention rather than abstinence from sex, are we really a Christian principles country or do we only use Christianity as a disguise gown to allow us to be holier than thou.


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